Dangers of D.I.Y Detox…

Detox Safely with Coastal Chiropractic and Wellbeing Gold CoastAlthough our bodies are designed to process and remove toxins, we can have a toxin burden where pathways of the body become compromised.  This build up of toxins is due to dietary allergens such as gluten, food additives, dairy and eggs, bacteria, parasites or due to fungal overgrowth and of course toxins in our environment found around our home, at work, air pollution, pesticides in our food as well as lifestyle choices can all contribute to this toxic load overworking our systems and throwing them out of balance.

With a thorough examination here at Coastal Chiropractic and Wellbeing, we can see which body systems are the top priority for detoxification.  This includes the gut, liver and looking for traces of  heavy metals that are stored in our brains and in our body.  Heavy metal overload is common among plumbers, welders, miners, renovators, people who have a lot of fish in their diet or have mercury fillings.

A “Healing Crisis” or more commonly known as feeling like absolute crap while in detox is a sign that you are not detoxifying healthfully. This unhealthy process shows that you may just be “recycling” the toxins from the liver back into an unhealthy gut then back to the liver.  This process creates a danger not only to how we feel now but also to our long-term health, putting unnecessary stress and strain on our vital organs.

This is why it is ESSENTIAL to detoxify with the help of a practitioner who specializes in this field.  Here at Coastal Chiropractic and Wellbeing not only do we take the guess work out of the detoxification process we can SAFELY find a detox program especially designed for your body and your unique health requirements.  We will delve deeply into your everyday lifestyle and help you make healthy and well-informed lifestyle choices to prevent future damage – and you will be surprised to know that the detoxification process doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to give up anything!!  We look at the big picture to help detoxify you, your family and your environment. We are here to give you direction and support and structure to ultimately change your health looking ahead to the future!

Detox Questionaire

Check out our Detox Questionnaire from our friends at Metagenics if your total is below 40 = low priority, between 40-70 =medium priority, above 70 = high priority.

Detoxification can help with learning disabilities, pain, depression, diabetes, weight management,  food sensitivities, headaches and fatigue, also with most syndromes such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and PMR, hormonal disturbances, polycystic ovaries breast lumps, menopause, fertility, constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.

 “When ‘I’ is replaced by ‘WE’ – ILLness becomes WELLness!”

Call us here at Coastal Chiropractic and Wellbeing on the Gold Coast,  make an appointment  and lets talk detox!  Ph 5520 2555.



Preconception care for both of you should ideally start 6 weeks to 3 months before even trying to fall pregnant depending on your level of health.

Only an experienced practitioner can sit down with you and thoroughly evaluate your history, current state of health and emotional equilibrium regarding starting a family and your own childhood.

We cannot emphasize enough how a healthy body can help create a healthy egg and the lucky sperm to to create an unbelievably beautiful healthy baby. That’s why it always takes two and both parents should be assessed.

A general pre-conception multivitamin can help, but what if you are chemically out of sorts and need higher levels of specific nutrients and herbs for fertility? Some may need a liver detox which not only will make you feel fantastic but also increases your chances of falling pregnant and reduces your chances of exposing a potential developing foetus to toxins. If you are already pregnant or suspect it, a detox is contraindicated and we need a new plan to ensure a comfortable pregnancy for a happy healthy baby right to term.

Your personal history and sometimes even your own mother’s history may create blocks in really wanting to fall pregnant. NET can help clear history’s baggage that can affect fertility and then we can be sure you mentally and emotionally want a beautiful healthy baby!