We are living in a paradox, we live longer yet we are more unhealthy! Chiropractic care is drug and surgery-free and is known to effectively manage pain in the back and joints. With 2 million Aussies suffering today maybe its your time to have a comprehensive assessment with your local chiropractor – call us here at Coastal Chiropractic today for an appointment and get your health and wellbeing back on track and live your life happy and healthy!
With technology these days, excess screen time can damage our health causing a myriad of conditions from neck pain and headaches and can even lead to obesity. Sometimes sitting at your desk for work is unavoidable so why not download the Sit Right Widget now! This fantastic little tool pops up throughout the day with a friendly reminder to move at your desk every 20, 40 or 60 minutes. We love it here at Coastal Chiropractic as it also comes up with stretches, water break reminders and even makes you aware of yourself if you are slumping at your desk! Its FREE and the time to take action is now.
Call 5520 2555 for your comprehensive Gold Coast Chiropractic assessment here at Coastal Chiropractic and Wellbeing Burleigh.